Healthy Gums, Healthy Teeth! 5 Ways To Keep Your Gums Healthy

More often than not, when you think of the dentist, you think of your teeth. Somehow our gums just seem to fall through the cracks. But, did you know that your gum health is just as important as the health of your teeth? 

Your gums are responsible for protecting your teeth from disease and decay. Without proper oral hygiene, your gums can quickly develop periodontitis, another name for gum disease. Some of the most common signs of early gum disease include bad breath, swollen gums, gums that bleed easily, or gums that appear to be receding from your teeth.

When caught in its early stages, gum disease is easily reversible. However, if left untreated, it can have more serious implications on your oral health. So, how do you prevent gum disease? Here are five easy ways to keep your gums healthy:

1. Floss Every Day

Flossing your teeth once every day is one of the most effective ways to improve the health of your gums. When you floss, you are removing the food and bacteria that become trapped between your teeth. When you fail to floss, this food and bacteria become plaque that will eventually lead to gum disease. 

2. Brush Your Teeth Using Proper Technique

We know we talk about brushing your teeth quite often, this is because it is an important step to achieving optimal oral health! When you brush your teeth, you must use the proper technique to protect and care for your gums. 

Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles to alleviate any unnecessary abrasion to your gums! If the bristles of your toothbrush begin to fray, or your toothbrush shows other signs of wear, replace it with a new toothbrush to avoid gum injury. 

3. Use the Right Oral Hygiene Products

There are countless oral hygiene products to choose from. From various flavors to the wide range of claims made by various products, it can be hard to make your final selection! The best oral hygiene products for gum health include toothpaste and mouthwash that contain fluoride. If you are unsure of the best products for you, ask your dentist during your next visit!

4. Protect Your Gums

In addition to instilling proper oral hygiene habits, there are other ways to protect your gums from injury, decay, or disease. Some lifestyle choices such as diets that are high in sugar or regular smoking can cause damage to your gum health. Additionally, participating in sports may pose an added threat to your gums. Take the proper precautions to prevent unnecessary damage or injury, ensuring healthy gums for years to come.

5. Visit the Dentist

There are countless reasons to visit your dentist twice a year. During your bi-annual cleaning and exam, we are not only caring for your teeth but also your gums! Unfortunately, the earliest signs of gum disease are easy to miss. However, when caught in the early stages, gum disease can be reversed through simple oral hygiene! For this reason, professional dental cleanings and exams are one of the best ways to protect and improve the health of your gums.

By implementing these five easy tips, you can make great strides in maintaining not only healthy teeth but also healthy gums! 

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