Flossing 101: Everything You Need to Know

During your last visit to the dentist, you were likely asked how often you floss your teeth. Unfortunately, this important aspect of dental hygiene often falls to the wayside as we approach adulthood. Daily flossing, however, is just as important to the overall health of your smile as brushing your teeth! 

We hope by sharing some of the facts surrounding the importance of flossing as well as the proper flossing techniques, that you will be inspired to add this crucial habit back into your daily routine.

Is Daily Flossing Really Important?

No one tries to negotiate the importance of twice-daily toothbrushing. However, when you fail to floss once each day, you are not fully cleaning your teeth! When you floss, you are removing debris and bacteria that is found between your teeth. Even the best toothbrush can not reach these tricky areas! 

Flossing is not only responsible for cleaning the hard-to-reach surfaces of your teeth. In fact, flossing actually maintains the health of your gums and plays a large role in preventing gum disease! 

Still not convinced that flossing each day is important? Do you struggle with bad breath even after your brush your teeth? Chances are you need to floss! Food particles and bacteria trapped between your teeth could be the cause. Luckily, flossing your teeth is a great way to keep bad breath at bay! 

Learning Proper Flossing Technique

As with any aspect of oral hygiene, it is important that you use proper technique to ensure that you are not harming your teeth or gums. The first mistake that many people make when flossing is not using enough dental floss. You should be using a new section of dental floss between each tooth. For most people, this means you will need to start out using roughly 18 inches of dental floss.

To floss between each tooth, bring the dental floss down one side of the tooth, curving it when you meet the gum to follow the shape of the tooth. Next, repeat the same process on the other side of the tooth. It is important to clean both sides of each tooth to ensure that you eliminate as much plaque as possible.

As you move throughout your mouth, simply work your way down the length of dental floss. Once you have thoroughly cleaned between your teeth, rinse your mouth using water or an antiseptic mouthwash. 

Although many people believe they do not have time to floss each day, this is one habit that is worth the effort. With just a bit of practice, daily flossing will become an established part of your oral hygiene routine. You will never regret taking care of your smile! 

Use Floss That Works for You

Every smile is unique. In the same way, your flossing needs will be unique to you. You may need to try several variations of dental floss before you find one that allows you to comfortably and successfully floss. 

If you are struggling to implement proper flossing techniques, or you need assistance finding a dental floss that works for you, don’t hesitate to ask for advice during your next appointment! We are passionate about helping each of our patients implement healthy oral hygiene techniques in their daily lives.