

While dental bridges are a standard restorative procedure, many of our patients have questions about this approach. The Dental Associates Near Me team aims to provide our patients with access to high-quality dentistry that fits their needs and budget. We believe that a dental bridge offers an optimal solution for individuals in need of a replacement tooth!


Alabama Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are one of the most convenient and cost-effective methods of replacing one or several missing teeth. Many patients believe that the only reason to replace a missing tooth is for aesthetic purposes. This, however, is not the case! By replacing your missing tooth or teeth, you protect the surrounding teeth from additional decay or damage.


Additionally, replacing a missing tooth with a dental bridge restores optimal function to your smile. This allows you to speak clearly, eat freely, and live without the potential problems that a gap in your teeth may cause.


Understanding the Dental Bridge Procedure

At Dental Associates Near Me, we value education and honesty. We are committed to taking the time necessary to answer any questions our patients may have regarding their dental care! By understanding the dental bridge procedure before your appointment, you can minimize any anxiety or uncertainty you may otherwise experience.


The first step in the dental bridge procedure is, of course, a thorough consultation with your dental care provider. During this appointment, we will assess the condition of the surrounding teeth, assessing whether a dental bridge is the best option for your situation.


If we determine that you are a candidate for a dental bridge, we will discuss the various types of bridges and the type of material you would like to use for your bridge. Most patients opt for porcelain or zirconia bridges as these have a more natural appearance when compared to traditional metal bridges.


Your dental team will advise you on the benefits and disadvantages of the various types of dental bridges, helping you arrive at a decision that fits both your needs and your budget. Your dentist will also take impressions of your gums and teeth to design a bridge that is both comfortable and natural in appearance.


>On the day of your dental bridge appointment, your dental team will prepare the surrounding teeth. The dental bridge will then be attached to your teeth using a safe and durable bonding material. Upon completion of the procedure, you will leave the office with a dental bridge that is properly aligned, comfortable, and natural in appearance.


Find a Dental Bridge Specialist in Alabama

At Dental Associates Near Me, we are proud to offer our patients 8 locations conveniently located throughout Alabama. Our dental professionals are highly experienced and trained to provide exceptional dental care. In addition to specializing in dental bridges, we offer a wide variety of other restorative dental procedures.


With care for the entire family, you can be sure that your dental needs are our priority! Are you interested in learning more about our dental bridge procedure? Contact us today for more information!