How to Navigate Dental Insurance

How to Navigate Dental Insurance

Dental insurance is a vital part of oral health care for many people. However, navigating dental insurance can be confusing.  This blog post will help to clear up some of the confusion and explain what dental insurance is, how to find a...

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Busting the Myths of Fluoride

Busting the Myths of Fluoride

There is a lot of debate surrounding fluoride. Some people believe that it is a miracle mineral that helps to improve dental health, while others think that it is nothing more than a dangerous toxin. So what is fluoride, and where does...

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The Best Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

The Best Mouthwash for Periodontal Disease

If you are like most people, you probably don't think too much about your mouthwash. However, if you have periodontal disease, using the right mouthwash is critical to getting rid of the bacteria that is causing your infection. In this...

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The Importance of Massaging Your Gum Line

The Importance of Massaging Your Gum Line

If you're like most people, you probably don't think about your gum health until there's a problem. And by that time, it's often too late. Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems in the United States and can lead to several...

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The Long-Term Effects of Soda on Teeth

The Long-Term Effects of Soda on Teeth

If you're like most people, you enjoy a cold can of soda now and then. But what you may not know is that drinking soda has some serious long-term effects on your teeth. In this month's blog post, we will discuss the dangers of drinking...

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The Benefits of Semi-Annual Dental Visits

The Benefits of Semi-Annual Dental Visits

Semi-annual dental visits are a crucial way to maintain good oral health and hygiene. They allow for in-depth cleaning, exam of the mouth and neck area, evaluation of any signs that may indicate gum disease or other concerns, and more....

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