Alabama Invisalign

Alabama Invisalign

At Dental Associates Near Me, we are proud to specialize in a wide variety of dental services. One of our most popular cosmetic dentistry services across the state is Invisalign.


Invisalign is a treatment that allows our patients to achieve straight teeth without traditional braces. This is because Invisalign uses aligners that can be removed and replaced at any time for your convenience.


Invisalign is a great braces alternative not only for adults but also for teens that are active in sports or certain hobbies such as band or orchestra. Keep reading to learn more about Alabama Invisalign through Dental Associates Near Me! 

How Does Alabama Invisalign Work?

So, how does the Invisalign treatment work? Invisalign aligners are completely customized for each of our patients. They are created from a series of detailed 3D scans taken of your teeth during your initial exam at Dental Associates Near Me.


This data is then sent to the Invisalign lab, where a digital rendering of your teeth will be precisely designed to form an ideal smile that can be maintained throughout treatment.


The final aligners used in the actual Invisalign procedure are created from this digital image and made to fit your teeth perfectly. This ensures that our patients get the most comfortable and effective care possible through Alabama Invisalign.


Invisalign may be a good fit for you if:


  • You have crooked or spaced teeth
  • You want to improve your smile without braces
  • Your teeth are crowded
  • You have gaps between your teeth
  • You wear retainers religiously but still experience shifting of your teeth

Alabama Invisalign Before & After

So, what makes Invisalign such an innovative and cosmetic dentistry treatment? The answer is the aligners.


These plastic trays are made from a clear thermoplastic material that will effectively shift your teeth to the proper position without causing any discomfort or damage to surrounding structures.


Depending on how fast teeth shift during treatment, our patients can expect to switch aligners every 1-2 weeks. Over time, this will reposition their teeth until the desired final result is achieved.


Teenagers are now less concerned than ever about having braces due to the popularity of Invisalign.

What To Expect During Alabama Invisalign Treatment

Aligners are only worn 20-22 hours per day for the duration of Alabama Invisalign treatment. This means you will be able to eat and drink whatever you please while wearing the aligners.


As mentioned, aligners are replaced every 1-2 weeks on average during treatment. These trays are changed in our office, ensuring that your teeth and gums stay healthy and you leave with a smile that we’re certain will dazzle everyone in the room!

Benefits of Alabama Invisalign

There are many benefits to Invisalign treatment in Alabama including:


  • Individualized treatment plan
  • Comfortable aligners that can be easily removed for eating and drinking
  • Straight teeth without braces or other restrictive treatments
  • Avoidance of damage to healthy tooth enamel and gums


With Invisalign, it’s easy to see why so many patients consider this a good option for their cosmetic dentistry needs.

Get Alabama Invisalign Treatment Today!

Are you ready to get started? Contact us today to learn more about Alabama Invisalign!

Dental Associates Near Me | Alabama Dentists
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